// CLASS TOPICS : Primitive vs reference DATA TYPES // PRIMITIVE TYPE // x = 10; // y = x; // x = 20; // console.log(x,y); // here x and y both are same but locating different positions in memory and saved at diff places // REFERENCE TYPE // x = {name:"shagun",email:"abc@gmail.com"}; // y = x; // x = {name:"abc"}; // console.log(x,y); // both are pointing same location on memory but later on x is pointing a diff location // REFERENCE TYPE // x = {name:"shagun",email:"abc@gmail.com"}; // y = x; // x.name = "testing name"; // console.log(x,y); // both are pointing same location on memory. so if one is change other will also reflect the same change // PRIMITIVE TYPES // numbers , string , boolean , null , undefined // REFERENCE TYPES // object , array , functions are reference type