// we cannot sum two array like
// array1 = [1,2,3,4,5]
// array2 = [6,7,8]
// array3 = array1 + array2
// console.log(typeof(array3));
// we will get type string instead of a new array
// using spread opearators
// array1 = [1,2,3,4,5]
// array2 = [6,7,8]
// array3 = [...array1,...array2]
// console.log(array3)
// we can sum up two arrays [...] then array name like array1 and then again ...array2
// to sum up and get a new array with elements of both arrays
// using spread operator on object
// obj1 = {name:"shagun",age:23}
// obj2 = {gender:"male",name:"xyz"}
// obj3 = {...obj1,...obj2}
// console.log(obj3)
// here the only diff is that those properties which are same will get
//updated because we cannot have two key
// CLASS TOPICS : STRING DATA TYPE // "H" , "E" , "L", "O" // string is a combination of few characters // we can re-assign variables as done below // myValue = 'hello' // console.log(myValue, 'called') // myValue = 1 // console.log(myValue, 'called 2') // myValue = [1,2,3] // console.log(myValue,'called 3') // we can access charac from string same as we can do with array's // myValue = "hello" // myCharac = myValue[2] // console.log(myCharac); // we can create space b/w charac too // myValue = "hello " + "world" // console.log(myValue) // behind the scenes space is also being stored like this: ["h","e","l","l","o",""] // we can use \n to print data in next line // myValue = "hello my name is: \n shagun" // console.log(myValue); // we can also use \t to create space between words in the same line
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